Friday, November 04, 2022

Whose mouths must be stopped

AATHAVAN 🖋️ 648 ⛪ November 06, 2022 Sunday

"Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake." ( Titus 1 : 11 )

Here Paul is referring to those Gospel preachers who preach inappropriate things without giving importance to the salvation of the soul that comes through the grace of Jesus Christ. Most Christian preachers of today are preaching inappropriate teachings. The reason is filthy lucre's sake.

Today such teachings are proliferated not only in convention meetings but also on social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp. Such teachings do not lead anyone straight to salvation; Rather these are ordinary religious sermons. In other words, they preach like ordinary preachers preach their religious teachings.

These preachers emphasize the commandments of the Law and not about the Grace of Christ. It is about them that Paul says in the verse preceding today's meditation verse, "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision." ( Titus 1 : 10 )

These are the ones who subvert the whole family by preaching unseemly things for ignominious gain. They are stumbling blocks so that people do not know the path of salvation. Their teachings often emphasize worldly blessings and focus on offering. That is, these are the ones who preach false teachings in order to get more offerings. 

Today we could see many popular modernist preachers like these. They preach that, "If you offer one thousand rupees to God, God will return it to you as one lakh;  if you give two thousand as offering, God will return it to you as two lakhs. These are the evil forces Paul is mentioning as those subvert the entire house. Actually, not only the entire house, but the entire nation. Yes they are comparing God to fraudulent finance companies, saying such things. 

In today's verse, the apostle Paul says, "whose mouths must be stopped".  How can we do this? It can be done by prayer and by taking the correct scriptures to the people. For this, first of all, we need spiritual anger against those who teach such wrong scriptures.

Ministry belongs to God. God is our Father. Therefore, it is not wrong for us sons and daughters to be angry with those who disrespect our father's work. (But we must first live righteously like His sons and daughters ).

Beloved, first let us live a life pleasing to God. Then we should clarify false teachings to the people. Let us be united with God in prayer. Then the inappropriate preachers who subvert houses will disappear; Yes, as Paul says, their mouths will be stopped.

Message :- Bro. M. Geo Prakash Contact- 96889 33712

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