Eternal life through money?

 AATHAVAN 🖋️ 650 ⛪ November 08, 2022 Tuesday

"Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed."( John 6 : 27 )

Today we see countless people toiling in sun and rain to fulfill their worldly needs. Why do people work so hard? For their own well-being and that of their family members.

There is nothing wrong with working like this; remaining idle is actually wrong. We must certainly work hard and heed Jesus' advice in our lives. "Work for the meat which endureth unto everlasting life;" Jesus Christ says. Yes, we have to work not only for worldly life but also for eternal life. Rather than working for worldly wealth, we have to work more for the salvation of the soul.

He who labors faithfully for the food that endures to eternal life will be satisfied with the reward of his labor. Do not try to earn by bribery, corruption, exploitation.

There is no relation between honesty and salary. Decent salary is not an assurance for honesty. Honesty is a quality that man has to develop by himself. A government official who earns fifty thousand to sixty thousand a month takes bribes, while a man who earns only ten thousand lives faithfully. So bribery is a disease. That disease must be cured. No matter how much salary increment is given, corrupt people's character will not change. This is because they work for perishable food (i.e. only to fulfill worldly needs) as Jesus Christ said.

In Luke chapter 19 we read about a man named Zacchaeus. This man was the leader of tax collectors. That is like todays revenue officer. He first labored for perishable meat, who filled his own pockets by charging heavy taxes. But his mind changed when he came to know Jesus Christ, the eternal food. The thought came to him that the perishable riches he had accumulated by working wickedly were not great, but that he must work somehow to find the way to eternal life, and that was great.

"And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord: Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold." ( Luke 19 : 8 ) Thus he earned eternal life. Yes, when Christ comes into a person he is transformed and begins to do things that lead to eternal life.

Today many people who go to temples and attend services regularly and send thousands of offerings to the so called great Christian ministers feel no guilt about raising money on the crosswalk. Their intention is to get God's blessings by offering money. But thinking to get blessings through money will bring curses in life.

Simon,  a man who used sorcery and bewitched the people intended to receive blessing of God through money. The apostle Peter said to him: "Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money." ( Acts 8 : 20 )

Beloved, let us work honestly to live in the world and do good deeds for the food that lasts forever. Let us ask God for forgiveness if we earned money by working wrongly in the past. Let's correct the mistake. May the Lord bless us.

Message :- Bro. M. Geo Prakash Contact- 96889 33712


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