Wednesday, July 14, 2021

He raiseth up the poor


-         Bro. M. Geo Prakash

 “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people. " (Psalms 113 : 7,8 )

This verse is similar in the book of 1 Samuel also (1 Samuel 2: 8).

Once a man who wanted to tease me asked me, “it has been mentioned in your Bible that “He lifts up the poor out of dust and lifts the needy out of the dunghill." Don't you know that there are millions of poor people in this world? Why your God did not lift up those people?

I responded to him by saying, "here, the word poor does not mean the poor in economic sense, but those simple in their spirit. Just as mountains and valley on the earth so are human economic condition on earth. One may be rich in wealth but at the same time humble in spirit, at the same time a poor man can be an arrogant. Jesus started the Sermon on the Mount like this, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5: 3 )

Moreover, in spite of all riches one is poor in the sight of God if one does not have simplicity in spirit. In the same way, if the poor have nothing but a simple spirit, then he is rich in the sight of God. " There are many Old Testament devotees in the Bible who are humble in spirit. Joseph, Moses, Gideon and David are some examples. New Testament believers, especially the disciples of Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul, all had a simple spirit.

God exalted Joseph, who was hated and despised by all the brethren, to be equal to Pharaoh because he had a simple heart. God knew Moses, who was milder than all the people in the world, to save his people from Egypt, and God knew Gideon to deliver the people of Israel from the hands of the Midianites because of his simple spirit. It is because of David's simple heart that he made the shepherd David king over Israel.

Beloved, God's promise is not false. But contrary to this verse, if we live proudly, we will lose what we have. Because Scripture says, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." We have seen the end of the lives of many political leaders who lived with worldly pride. The pathetic end of their life also we know.

Beloved, whether we are rich or poor live in humility, and God will exalt us.

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